With each passing day, the traffic from Tollywood to Bollywood has been on the rise. But so far, it has been the heroines followed by the heroes and then the directors. But now, the time has come for one person to make her presence felt as a producer in the big B-town.
She is none other than Lakshmi Manchu. Buzz is that Lakshmi who is currently busy with her production venture 'Oo Kodathara Ulikki Padathara' has been getting offers of dubbing the film into Hindi. However, the elegant celebrity is reportedly considering the idea of remaking the film into Hindi.
Those who heard this say "This is indeed a good idea. For Lakshmi's charms, she can grow in Bollywood within no time and can be on par with someone like Ekta Kapoor. If this thought works out then Lakshmi will have a double edge, as an actress and a producer as well."
She is none other than Lakshmi Manchu. Buzz is that Lakshmi who is currently busy with her production venture 'Oo Kodathara Ulikki Padathara' has been getting offers of dubbing the film into Hindi. However, the elegant celebrity is reportedly considering the idea of remaking the film into Hindi.
Those who heard this say "This is indeed a good idea. For Lakshmi's charms, she can grow in Bollywood within no time and can be on par with someone like Ekta Kapoor. If this thought works out then Lakshmi will have a double edge, as an actress and a producer as well."