So far whenever the name of the film 'Rajanna' was taken, the focus was either on Nagarjuna or SS Rajamouli. However, here is another surprise attraction. It is heard that the film also has the iconic Akkineni Nageswara Rao doing his bit. Well, sources say ANR has done voiceover for the film.
Reports say that ANR has lent his voice for the film during crucial moments and it has come out really well. Recently, a special show of the film was held for family members of Nagarjuna and very select friends. It is heard that all of them were impressed with the way it was shaped up.
'Rajanna' is hitting the screens on December 22nd and the addition of ANR like this is a new highlight. Though he has passed his prime decades ago, ANR still maintains a good vigour and energy levels. Let us wait to see what sort of an impact his voice creates for the film.
Reports say that ANR has lent his voice for the film during crucial moments and it has come out really well. Recently, a special show of the film was held for family members of Nagarjuna and very select friends. It is heard that all of them were impressed with the way it was shaped up.
'Rajanna' is hitting the screens on December 22nd and the addition of ANR like this is a new highlight. Though he has passed his prime decades ago, ANR still maintains a good vigour and energy levels. Let us wait to see what sort of an impact his voice creates for the film.