Mega Power star Ram Charan is presently busy with the shooting of his forthcoming film "Rachcha". His new film titled "Yevadu" under the direction of Vamsi Paidipally was launched recently with formal pooja ceremony and the regular shooting of the film is going to start soon.Now the latest news is that the movie pre-production works are under progress. Samantha will play the female lead role opposite to Charan in this film. Allu Arjun will be seen in a cameo role in this film and it will be produced by Dil Raju on Sri Venkateswara Creations banner.
Another buzz is that Yevadu film story will be similar to the story of Hollywood film Face Off. The story and theme of the movie is very different Ram Charan Tej is playing a powerful police officer role in this movie.
It is also heard that Allu Arjun will playing an undercover secret agent gets killed by villains. Later, using hi tech technology Allu Arjun brain is transplanted to Ram Charan. How Ram Charan takes revenge on villains using his muscular power and Allu Arjun brain forms the crux of the story.
It is also heard that Allu Arjun will playing an undercover secret agent gets killed by villains. Later, using hi tech technology Allu Arjun brain is transplanted to Ram Charan. How Ram Charan takes revenge on villains using his muscular power and Allu Arjun brain forms the crux of the story.